About | 余


Here’s a recent photo of me taken by Yuyang Feng at Chicago. I was holding a quantum sphere, 3D printed by Morris Ang.



I am currently at Room W915, 567 Yangsi Road (W), Pudong New District, Shanghai.

I can be reached via [my last name]@[my first name].me.

Alternatively, write to [my first name].[my last name]@nyu.edu.

My phone number is +1 (217) 377-uv, where u and v are the solutions to the equation x2-181x+8190=0, with u>v.

Here’s the link to my personal Zoom meeting room.


I am the executive producer of the film Before Firework, directed by my friend Xueyang Niu.

I occasionally serve Omakase menus for my friends at home. I also serve Sukiyaki at times, known as Ruaruakawa. Thanks to ScampiBunny for this name.

Something for my love, and something for my life.

“From the moment I was born, I have never said anything I did not mean.”

Website last updated on 22 July 2024.

Research | 索


My research interests lie in probability theory and mathematical physics.

Random geometry

I am interested in imaginary geometry, and its relation to Liouville quantum gravity and conformal field theory.

Spin systems

  • Currently, I am interested in general spin systems.

  • From 2020–2021, I gave an geometric interpretation of the collective dynamics for magnetic solitons with Oleg Tchernyshyov.

Cat™ theory

I study a special cat™, MuonCamus, by observing how she interacts with rest of the world.

Curriculum Vitae | 历



  • Ph.D. candidate in Mathematics

    New York University Shanghai & New York University

    Advisors: Wei Wu & Nina Holden

    Jun. 2021 – current

  • B.S. in Physics and B.S. LAS in Mathematics

    University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

    Aug. 2017 – May. 2021



  • Quantum Annuli as a Mating of Trees (poster)

    Two-Dimensional Random Geometry Workshop, The University of Chicago – July 2024

  • Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos and the Liouville Model

    Oberwolfach Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach – Dec 2023

  • Correlation Estimates in Spin Systems

    Student Probability Seminar, New York University – May 2023

  • Ising model, Schramm-Loewner Evolution and Conformal Field Theory

    Student Probaility Seminar, New York University – Nov. 2022


I have been the recitation leader for the following courses at NYU Shanghai.

  • Ordinary Differential Equations – Spring 2024

I have been the grader for the following courses at NYU.

  • Probability Theory II (graduate) – Spring 2023
  • Linear Algebra I (graduate) – Fall 2022


For Binary Beings

  • Python - advanced
  • C++ - advanced
  • [most modern OOP languages] - familiar

For Non-Binary Beings

  • Chinese (Mandarin) - native
  • English - advanced
  • French - « Je ne parle pas Français! »